The CRC Review is your source for common sense commentary covering the public policy and salient topics impacting our national economy and overall society. 

Our governing principle in America is that of a representative democracy, where the power theoretically resides with the people, who elect representatives to do the work of the government. The idea of a limited government is not simply a Republican staple, but an essential requirement for a free society. 

The real foundation of American society is freedom. Freedom associated with the spirit of self-reliance. Freedom of self-determination in our economic pursuits and matters. Freedom to choose the way we live our lives and accepting the responsibility and consequences of those choices. 

A requirement for a free society is the empowering of the people rather than government. Government, by nature, is somewhat oppressive by the coercive nature of limiting behaviors. Sometimes the limitations are essential. Other times the limitations are completely political. 

America is at somewhat of a crossroads in deciding whether society will continue to resemble the free democracy and free enterprise economy that created a perfectly imperfect nation. America has flaws, as every nation does, but Americans must not exchange flaws for flawed ideology. 

In this podcast, I discuss how America can improve our governance to protect the society we all love. Also, the recent economic boom is addressed along with other current events. Please click above to experience A Better Way. 



The CRC Review is your source for common sense commentary covering the public policy and salient topics impacting our national economy and overall society. 

The original content you will experience here will focus on available facts, evidence, and data to evaluate ideas that may improve our quality of life or reinforcing our shared values and principles. 

This podcast is called Better America, where I discuss how our society can better exemplify our espoused values. The issues facing our communities are not caused because America has the wrong values or the wrong ideals. Many times, it is because our leaders or our fellow Americans have not lived up to these ideals or consistently afforded people fair consideration under these principles. 

America needs to strengthen our commitment to our foundation in supporting freedom. Afford people the freedom to live their life they way they choose to and accept the responsibilities for their choices. Ensure people have equal access to their share of the American, avoiding cronyism, nepotism, and other manipulations. Protect the rights of the faithful, not coercing them to contradict their strongly held beliefs. 

America must be a nation of law and order, where laws are fairly and equally applied. America must continue to afford the accused the presumption of innocence, regardless of the narratives of media or social media. America must never bend the need to mob mentality rather be a society of rational discourse. Good trouble leads to bad consequences in the long run. 

Please click above to experience A Better America here on The CRC Review. 



America is in a crisis of our own making. There is a clear need for a national change of perspective. Change from a society that views our political opposition as an existential threat to our democracy. Change from a society that views the problem with our society simply being the existence of the other side. 

Our problems did not originate from one individual, one political party, or one group of people. Our underlying problems with political tribalism, ideological rigidity, hysteria, anger, and jealousy transitioned with past changes of administrations. Our political environment continues to move away from cooperation and compromise. Our society continues to allow political views to divide family and friends. Our media institutions continue to wedge society based on exaggerated differences, ignoring the many areas of agreement.

Our society needs to return to a point where compromise, cooperation, and consideration are acceptable aspects of government and daily life. A point where good faith negotiations craft solutions that benefit the broadest group of Americans.

Please click above to see ways to achieve this with a couple changes that can help lower the temperature while protecting all our rights.



The health of our democracy has become a salient topic for discussion as politicians use it in their line of attacks. All Americans want to live in a healthy democracy that protects our shared values, freedom, and opportunity. 

In this edition, I discuss areas of opportunity for ensuring our democracy protects our freedom, opportunity, and future. 


Tough decisions have tough consequences. Click above for more.