My name is Christopher Peter and welcome to The Christopher Peter Review, which is your source for the both the economic and political side of life.
Our demographics play a role in shaping our identity. But, the decisions we make, the attitudes we hold, and the behaviors we show play a much greater role. The hobbies we choose to pursue. Our interests and dislikes shape who we are far more than things we are given that are outside of our control.
The role of identity is a hot topic in our society. But, I think the focus should be more on people shaping their own individual identity than fighting of the perceived identity that society might place on people. In the podcast episode below, I discuss this very topic.
My name is Christopher Peter and welcome to The Christopher Peter Review, which is your source for the both the economic and political side of life.
Running a business is an extremely difficult challenge in itself. Growing that business into a brand that the market understands and trust is even more difficult. Consumers are brand conscious because it helps navigate the sea of endless competitive options. For instance, most people trust the Apple or Samsung brands more than the local offering at the nearest Best Buy.
How well a brand manages change is important. Especially change occurring outside of its sphere of control. In this podcast episode, The Good Brand, I discuss the importance of branding and look at how the explosive growth in interest in women’s basketball is being handled by the brands associated with it.
My name is Christopher Peter and welcome to The Christopher Peter Review, which is your source for the economic side of life.
I am firm believer in investing into assets where you have a reasonable understanding of how the value is created and how well growth can be predicted in the future. It may not be the exciting or breaking edge approach, but the returns are more stable and predictable.
In the same manner, I believe that society should invest in the values that are proven useful and productive. We have experienced the risk of investing in radical views. In this podcast episode, I discuss the concept of value from a financial perspective and political approach.
My name is Christopher Peter and welcome to The Christopher Peter Review, which is your source for the economic side of life.
I truly believe that being informed is important in life. Understanding what is going on in the world, why it is happening, and how the events need to be managed is important. Also, there is an importance on knowing what the fact, evidence, and data is and what the narratives are out there.
How has the institutions that transmit information impact our level of knowledge? What are the issues impacting our society and how are influencers managing how we understand them? In this podcast episode, I discuss the media industry and important issues facing our society.
My name is Christopher Peter and welcome to The Christopher Peter Review, which is your source for the economic side of life.
Quality is important in any society or economy. Especially in a nation like ours with less centralization. To restore our economic prowess, we need to improve the consistency of our producers, whose goods and services generate the wealth that funds our society. Quality drives value and reliability.
At the same time, we need to invest time in the people that drive our government, our economy, and our society. Ensure that our values are still good. People still embody the strongly held shared values that create the most diverse, prosperous, and strongest society on the face of the earth. That we all share in our responsibility to innovate, contribute to solutions not the problems, and morally treat one another.
In this podcast episode, I discuss the impact of quality on America and how to overcome the challenges faced in this effort.
My name is Christopher Peter and welcome to The Christopher Peter Review, which is your source for the economic side of life.
There is always a reason why to something or do something else. The challenge is determining which path provides the optimal outcome and the most efficient path. Make the best decisions for society and our economy as a whole. That is how I approach my review of the FTC’s ban on the noncompete.
Also, I think it is important for society to stand on the side of good with a sense of what the truth is. Not the narratives that groups want to sell you on. The facts, evidence, and available data help provide a sense of clarity, combined with a proper foundation of values that make it clear what right and wrong is.
In this special podcast episode, please experience my discussion on the FTC ban on noncompete agreements and the controversial campus takeovers.
My name is Christopher Peter and welcome to The Christopher Peter Review, which is your source for the economic side of life.
Our border issue is a constant fodder for debate in our political discourse. A significant number of people want to focus on the security, economic, and political risks. Others counter with an open border sympathetic position, leaning on the plight of the environment people are fleeing from.
Clearly, America cannot have open borders as a public policy. That is not sustainable or workable. America cannot deport every single illegal migrant. Might not be workable or possible. There needs to be a solution that deals with the now, the future, and able to be maintained in the spirit of our best traditions.
In this special podcast episode, I discuss the issue with a focus of offering a new approach. Please experience this new podcast episode below.
My name is Christopher Peter and welcome to The Christopher Peter Review, which is your source for the economic side of life.
People operate with focus on self interest, but they also aim to protect their norm. Change is only accepted when there is no other choice. When people are faced with the choice to adapt or become irrelevant. Even the most progressive person will adhere to what is normal to them when pressed.
How do we adapt when what we thought to be true turns out to not be the case? The idea that economic isolation would create a situation where the isolated could potentially become the most productive economy in the advanced world? Reliance on like minded allies as well as increased domestic production.
In this podcast episode, I discuss self awareness and adaptability, the unexpected Russian economic revival, and other current events. Please experience this new podcast episode below.
My name is Christopher Peter and welcome to The Christopher Peter Review, which is your source for the economic side of life.
Everyone wants to be viewed as normal and believes they are the shining example of normalcy in the world. You could follow every trend out there and make every by the book decision to be considered normal. But there will always be some groups that will view you as abnormal. Normal is subjective to a degree.
For some people, the perfect cup of coffee is caffeinated with a mixture of condiments like cream and sugar or just black. Others prefer decaffeinated coffee, which I know people who view that as warm flat soda. But to each group, the way they like their coffee is the norm and others are outside of that norm.
Why worry about the norm if the differing behaviors have no impact on your well being, your outcomes, or anything that involves you? There are times when our views of normal does cause conflicts, but for the most part, people just live their lives by a different code. Worry about maximizing your opportunities rather than what others do.
In this podcast episode, I discuss normalcy, our social norms, change, and other current events. Please experience this new podcast episode below.
My name is Christopher Peter and welcome to The Christopher Peter Review, which is your source for the economic side of life.
Artificial intelligence is an industry that holds a great amount of potential. In turn creates some levels of risks, concerns, and challenges. But we must always remember that our society is innovative, resilient, and bold. Whenever events happened in the past, where there were valid concerns over the impact on employment, the structure of work adapted.
In many ways, the people concerned over how the new technology will impact certain career fields and certain classes of workers are showing their own level of prisoner of the moment thinking. There are valid concerns at the same time as unknown new lines of work and careers that will be created by this new technology.
Our worries are tied to our mental constructs and how we perceive things should operate based on our experiences, education, and traditions. There is always the opportunity to blend the principles that have guided us in the past into the ideas that will shape our futures. Be less concerned about the automation of mundane redundant tasks and plan for what is done with freed up time, talent, and energy.
We should never doubt the ingenuity and power of the American people and our American economy. Now, in the past, and in the future, the people that drive our economy, our government, and our society will always find new solutions to push us forward even after they may push us to the brink at times.
In this podcast episode, I discuss artificial intelligence, social constructs, improving employment recruitment, and more. Please experience Social Intelligence below.