My name is Christopher Peter and welcome to The Christopher Peter Review, which is your source for the economic side of life.

People generally want to be treated with equal consideration, but do not want to be held to the same standards. If the standards are not the same and the expectations are not the same, then you really are not equal in consideration.

Perseverance should not be confused with stubbornness. One does expect a leader to stand up for what they believe in, but also a leader is able to read the tea leaves and make sound judgment calls to deliver the best outcome.

In this podcast episode, I how we can improve our standards and social expectations, why we need to broaden our perspective on where diversity exists, and recent current events.


My name is Christopher Peter and welcome to The Christopher Peter Review, which is your source for the economic side of life.

The ability to lead is less about telling others what they should and need to do and more about developing the talent in others to help maximize performance and quality of the entire team. Just as talent and ability is important to your overall staff, the ability to lead is vital to guide those talented individuals to produce the desired results at the desired quality without the need to micro manage.

The best organizations are always the ones that have effective leadership cultures that inspire workers to contribute towards the mission of the company. Not because it will justify their paychecks, but because they belief the outcomes with justify their organizations existence and their efforts.

In this podcast episode, I discuss leadership, artificial intelligence, and leadership challenges in areas where it is needed most. Also, experience the newest series featured at the end of this episode.


My name is Christopher Peter and welcome to The Christopher Peter Review, which is your source for the economic side of life.

There needs to be more rewards in life for those who do the right thing. For those who demonstrate good behavior. And those who are a positive to our communities. While doing good is said to be reward in itself, society needs to encourage people to be a positive on their communities and our economy.

Much is made about what is fair and inequities in the world. But, it is not fair that the people who tear our society down, harm our economy, and drawn on those around them get more than their fair share of attention from policymakers, media, and our overall discourse. If we want good in our society, we need to reward and give attention to those who create it.

In this podcast episode, I discuss encouraging better decision making, how to deal with fairness in life, electric vehicles, and a new streaming service.


My name is Christopher Peter and welcome to The Christopher Peter Review, which is your source for the economic side of life.

The United States of America is a nation built on the premise of being for the people, of the people, and by the people. That is our governing philosophy. Although the government is made up of the people, society needs people outside of government to make up ground or fill in the gaps where public policy fails to adequately address our needs.

In reality, the idea of American governance was that government would be limited to the functions that it can do best. For instance, the government is best in providing a strong national defense and domestic law enforcement. In theory of course. The government is generally the best institution to maintain public infrastructure that is used broadly. But, most other areas government fails considerably in meeting the expectations of society.

That is why our democracy combined with our free market capitalist economy is an important duo that makes America exceptionally great. The private sector is able to provide solutions that fill the gaps or better meet the personalized needs of the individual. People are able to bring solutions to light and find resources not limited to the will of bureaucrats or central planners. In this podcast episode below, I highlight an important manner how the people saved a precious institution.


My name is Christopher Peter and welcome to The Christopher Peter Review, which is your source for the economic side of life.

The United States of America is a nation built on the premise of being for the people, of the people, and by the people with great focus on individual freedoms, choice, and self governance. Back then, as is the case now for many, people wanted to live their lives on their own terms and pursue their own version of happiness and success.

At times, there are reasonable requests to ask that people put the greater good over their own self interests. But the bar that power brokers will use to measure these request must be high and the impact balanced, not isolated to one group. Individual freedom and choice must be sacred in a free society.

All people speak about supporting freedom, but some have different ideas of what freedom is and how absolute it should be. Depends largely if you have individualist leanings or collectivist sympathies, who are more likely exchange freedoms for a false perception of temporary comfort and security.

In this podcast episode, I discuss the need to be your authentic self and how to improve performance when you do not achieve you goals using football as an example. Also, I discuss the official beginning of the 2024 presidential cycle and more. Please listen below.


My name is Christopher Peter and welcome to another year of the Christopher Peter Review!

America is the most diverse nation in the world. More people legally migrate to the United States than any other nation in the world. Our diversity is a strength that allows us to attain supply our economy with the best and the brightest.

There can be a move to enhance our openness to diversity without fostering an environment of racial tension, hyper-hysteria on demographics, and myopic view on where discrimination comes from. We can move towards inclusiveness that is actually fair to all parties while not creating resentment and anger.

In this podcast episode, I discuss issues that impact our race relations and offer ideas to embrace diversity in a rational manner.


My name is Christopher Peter and welcome to another year of the Christopher Peter Review! I thank you for your viewership last year and hope that you continue to join us this year!

Sports provide such a finite ending towards the combined effort, strategy, belief, and support of groups of players, coaches, leaders, and fan bases. Either you win and feel success or you lose and need to rethink your approach and reason to be in the arena.

All the while, the games take place in a special economic system that employs millions, both inside the teams and many more who may never step foot in a stadium. There is no business like sports business. Show business is good as well. But sports are the only proven commodity to never flop or lose value.

In this podcast episode, I look at the business of sports and why we love the industry like no other. Then, I take part in a conversation regarding current events and whether some ancillary parts of the industry are truly helpful.


My name is Christopher Peter and welcome to another year of the Christopher Peter Review! I thank you for your viewership last year and hope that you continue to join us this year!

The new year offers us the opportunity to reset and get back on track in terms of our overall goals and objectives. For instance, if we are not at our desired weight, we use the start of the new year to start the path towards that end goal.

Our years are defined by the big moments and events that we remember through time. Different outlooks per person. In this podcast episode, I take a high level look at what our societal resolutions should be, offer a friendly reminder of who we need to be, and more.


My name is Christopher Peter and welcome to The Christopher Peter Review.

Before we close out the year, I decided to look at where we stand with the upcoming election to choose our next president. Besides the two controversial frontrunners.

Please experience this podcast episode below where I also discuss the potential for either Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis.


My name is Christopher Peter and welcome to The Christopher Peter Review.

History does not always repeat itself. For Dodgers fans, they hope that the team can continue to defy what has been somewhat of a course for the sport of baseball in terms of big signings not really performing to expectations after the record contracts.

The NBA wanted to emulate the in season competitions that take place in global soccer with its inaugural In-Season Tournament. Interesting concept but I discuss an important difference and what I hope they might be able to do in the future.

Please experience this podcast episode below where I also discuss the sad state of my favorite football team and bad political precedent impacted by sports.