Category: Social Media


My name is Christopher Peter and welcome to The Christopher Peter Review.

The art of marketing is crafting messages to prospective consumers that create connections between a particular brand so that consumer will select the product and service offerings from that brands rather than a competitor product. Does not have to be a real connection at first, as long as products move off the shelf. Many are not. Commercials focus greatly on entertainment and less on the real issues surrounding the brand, its offering, and reliability of both. As long as you are entertained, you are probably going to buy their product.

The entertainment factor is important. There is no nation on earth that really spends the amount of money on entertainment and leisure than Americans do. We have more sports leagues than any other nation. Soccer is king in many nations, largely because it is the only team sport available. In contrast, Americans will find ways to make anything a sport. We liked to be entertained. If you cannot be useful, at least be entertaining.

I believe that entertainment is important, but in the sphere of politics, there is a need to be effective, efficient, and honest more so than entertaining. In politics, the more entertaining a person is, the less likely we should trust that individual. They probably spend a great deal of time telling stories to distract from the lack of time actually doing the job they promised to do. Our thirst for entertainment can cloud our judgment at times. We saw this during the Obama Era, where people who listened to his presidential speeches versus those who watched them had different reactions. Just hearing the speeches, people seemed to hear the gaps between the expectations and his administrations performance.

In the podcast episode, Storytellers, I discuss the impact on the quality of our national discourse political narratives have on distracting voters from debating the real facts, evidence, and data of the issues that are important to their outcomes. Please experience the podcast episode below.


Welcome to the Christopher Peter Review Podcast. The Christopher Peter Review is your source for original content focused on salient topics from our current events and public policy and centered on facts, evidence, and data.

New podcast episode, Social Media Society, discusses the impact of social media on our politics and other recent current events. Please experience this new episode above. 



My name is Christopher Peter and welcome to another episode of the Christopher Peter Review. My podcast will always be your source of common-sense analytical commentary on salient topics impacting our economy and society.
In this podcast, Sense of Community, I advocate the need to restore a more united nation. Community is described as a fabric of society. That fabric is worn and in serious need of repair. Americans need to weave a new blanket of unity and understanding.
I highlight how community served our society for decades and how to bring it back in the context of our modern-day America. Please click above to enjoy Sense of Community on the Christopher Peter Review.


There is not a single person who wants interference with our local, state, or national elections. The reality of life is that foreign influence campaigns in politics occurred long before the 2016 presidential cycle. It probably will happen again to some degree. 

The impact from the influence campaign from Russian actors is highly exaggerated for political reasons. The campaign was poorly executed and there is no real proof that people changed their votes based on the clearly misleading information presented. 

The hysteria is leading policymakers to place undue responsibility on social media companies to regulate political advertisements as well as speech on their platforms. Conveniently, private firms do not have constitutional restrictions government deals with. 

Facebook and Twitter responded to social and political pressures in completely different manners. Facebook wants no part of suppressing free expression as it pushes back against criticism. On the other hand, Twitter decided to no longer accept paid political ads.

There is a general unfairness in attempting to make private firms shoulder the responsibility of policing speech. Government is essentially seeking a loophole to get around constitutional protections covering free expression. Censorship is not an appropriate response to fake news. 

Early efforts to filter content demonstrated a clear existence of political and ideological biases at the highest levels of social media companies. Any non-liberal non-Democratic voices were silenced by so called moderators, especially many legitimate conservative media members. 

The best defender against fake news is an educated, engaged, and informed society. While all should act in society’s best interest, there is always inaccurate or incomplete information out there. Not always purposeful but can still have the same impact. 

People who read a wide variety of legitimate news sources and stay abreast of issues can clearly identify and filter out fake news. The advertisements used in 2016 were clearly unconvincing and amateurish. Many were released well after primary contest ended in the impacted state. 

The real focus should be ensuring foreign governments cannot manipulate election results by altering vote counts or inappropriately accessing election data. States need to improve their systems and protocols around balloting. Paper ballots is an unnecessary regression. 

Foreign governments may always seek to influence. The United States too might continue influencing foreign elections. The key is to ensure the voters voices is truly reflected in the results. In 2016, the voice of the voters was heard.