The CRC Review is your source for common sense commentary covering the public policy and salient topics impacting our national economy and overall society. 

The common theme you experience here is the idea of empowering the people. Focusing on allowing people to make the choices that are best for the individual situations, needs, and wants. Americans should not be forced to limit our expectations to the choices afforded by government, rather by those available by our effort, opportunity, and ingenuity. 

There is a need to expand opportunity in our society. Broadening the pipelines of success to more communities and groups in our society. The question is whether we do this through redistribution or through expanding the economic principles that made America the leading and most innovative economy in the world. 

America must harness the innovation, ambition, and productivity of the American people, which many people seem hesitant to do. America should help more people of all different backgrounds increase investments, entrepreneurial pursuits instead of securing spots on government programs. Americans must be champions of their own success rather than victims of circumstance. 

In this podcast, I discuss how America can improve our fight against poverty. I also provide a real-life example of income mobility, which is key to elevating people out of poverty through the dignity of work. Please click on the above to experience Taking the Fight to Poverty podcast. 



The CRC Review is your source for common sense commentary covering the public policy and salient topics impacting our national economy and overall society.
People should hold a general level of skepticism about any society. Political, social, or economic cynicism is healthy to a point. There are valid reasons to doubt what our leaders state, what we see or read in the media, and what fellow Americans hold as facts that are actually opinions. 
Normally, our society relies on credible sources to determine factual statements versus bloviation or what politicians call political speak. Those credible sources are usually our news media, including newspapers, news channels, and nightly news broadcasts. 
Unfortunately, these sources are lighter on the journalism and bigger on advancing narratives, as many journalists struggle to objectively report facts rather choosing to select facts that advance a predetermined stance. Too often we are coerced and shamed into believing things that turn out to be completely false a few weeks later.
That is why people cannot have complete trust in our institutions that usually help educate the public. Please click on the podcast above for more about why skepticism is healthy in our society. 



The CRC Review is your source for common sense commentary covering the public policy and salient topics impacting our national economy and overall society. 

The original content you will experience here will focus on available facts, evidence, and data to evaluate ideas that may improve our quality of life or reinforcing our shared values and principles. 

This podcast is called Better America, where I discuss how our society can better exemplify our espoused values. The issues facing our communities are not caused because America has the wrong values or the wrong ideals. Many times, it is because our leaders or our fellow Americans have not lived up to these ideals or consistently afforded people fair consideration under these principles. 

America needs to strengthen our commitment to our foundation in supporting freedom. Afford people the freedom to live their life they way they choose to and accept the responsibilities for their choices. Ensure people have equal access to their share of the American, avoiding cronyism, nepotism, and other manipulations. Protect the rights of the faithful, not coercing them to contradict their strongly held beliefs. 

America must be a nation of law and order, where laws are fairly and equally applied. America must continue to afford the accused the presumption of innocence, regardless of the narratives of media or social media. America must never bend the need to mob mentality rather be a society of rational discourse. Good trouble leads to bad consequences in the long run. 

Please click above to experience A Better America here on The CRC Review. 


President Donald Trump’s time in office officially ends and Joe Biden takes the reins. Another changing of the guard and a new era in American life. American life always moves forward to a new day, a new dawn. 
The Trump Era was as consequential and must see as a presidential administration could be. President Donald Trump had a strong personality, big ego, and great resolve to take on all combatants, which helped to make him a lightning rod for debate. 
President Donald Trump did not have to run for office. He has a great family, a successful business, and a great life. He did not need to subject himself or his family to the political hatred and harassment from his political opponents. He did not have a half a decade in public office in need of validation. 
In the above podcast, I discuss the high and lows and why the Trump Era was a net positive for our society, despite the chaos and tension at times. Also, I project forward to what America can expect in the next era of our great American story. Please click above to experience The Trump Era podcast.



America is in a crisis of our own making. There is a clear need for a national change of perspective. Change from a society that views our political opposition as an existential threat to our democracy. Change from a society that views the problem with our society simply being the existence of the other side. 

Our problems did not originate from one individual, one political party, or one group of people. Our underlying problems with political tribalism, ideological rigidity, hysteria, anger, and jealousy transitioned with past changes of administrations. Our political environment continues to move away from cooperation and compromise. Our society continues to allow political views to divide family and friends. Our media institutions continue to wedge society based on exaggerated differences, ignoring the many areas of agreement.

Our society needs to return to a point where compromise, cooperation, and consideration are acceptable aspects of government and daily life. A point where good faith negotiations craft solutions that benefit the broadest group of Americans.

Please click above to see ways to achieve this with a couple changes that can help lower the temperature while protecting all our rights.



The Year 2020 was a challenging year across the globe. A global pandemic impacted every nation in the world. Social unrest impacted many of our cities in a disturbing manner that went well beyond our democratic traditions. A contentious presidential election to cap it off. 

Many people struggled to deal with the situation not of their choosing. Others decided to make the most of it and found opportunity to help their fellow human rather than wallow in the emotions of the moments. Tough times breed tough people and it is the tough people that make it to the other side. 

Please click above to experience the Year 2020 podcast.


There is a reason the Biden campaign kept Joe Biden in the basement. He demonstrates clear errors in judgement and questionable behaviors. Therefore it is important to control his exposure to the general public. 

Americans should be wary of the Cabinet picks made to this point. While his supporters gloat over his victory, it appears the losers will be Americans and our society as a whole. 

Americans should be concerned about the people being selected to serve in his Cabinet. Please click above for more information. 



The health of our democracy has become a salient topic for discussion as politicians use it in their line of attacks. All Americans want to live in a healthy democracy that protects our shared values, freedom, and opportunity. 

In this edition, I discuss areas of opportunity for ensuring our democracy protects our freedom, opportunity, and future. 



Joe Biden prevailed in the 2020 Presidential Election. Barring any changes related to contested ballots and possible recounts, Biden will become president on January 20, 2021. Biden will be inheriting a rebounding economy, a possible vaccine to Covid-19, and much more upon taking office.

Biden will most likely come into office with a gridlocked Congress, providing America with protection against the radical aspects of his agenda. Biden promises to heal America, but hard to imagine Americans coming together after the treatment by Biden and his party. Some of the actions committed, not only during the campaign, but the past 4 to 12 years, are not able to taken back or condoned. The political actions used to gain power cannot be ignored simply due to a shift in power.

For more takeaways from the election, please click on the above to experience The Election 2020 podcast.

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