America is in a crisis of our own making. There is a clear need for a national change of perspective. Change from a society that views our political opposition as an existential threat to our democracy. Change from a society that views the problem with our society simply being the existence of the other side.
Our problems did not originate from one individual, one political party, or one group of people. Our underlying problems with political tribalism, ideological rigidity, hysteria, anger, and jealousy transitioned with past changes of administrations. Our political environment continues to move away from cooperation and compromise. Our society continues to allow political views to divide family and friends. Our media institutions continue to wedge society based on exaggerated differences, ignoring the many areas of agreement.
Our society needs to return to a point where compromise, cooperation, and consideration are acceptable aspects of government and daily life. A point where good faith negotiations craft solutions that benefit the broadest group of Americans.
Please click above to see ways to achieve this with a couple changes that can help lower the temperature while protecting all our rights.
There is a reason the Biden campaign kept Joe Biden in the basement. He demonstrates clear errors in judgement and questionable behaviors. Therefore it is important to control his exposure to the general public.
Americans should be wary of the Cabinet picks made to this point. While his supporters gloat over his victory, it appears the losers will be Americans and our society as a whole.
Americans should be concerned about the people being selected to serve in his Cabinet. Please click above for more information.
Joe Biden prevailed in the 2020 Presidential Election. Barring any changes related to contested ballots and possible recounts, Biden will become president on January 20, 2021. Biden will be inheriting a rebounding economy, a possible vaccine to Covid-19, and much more upon taking office.
Biden will most likely come into office with a gridlocked Congress, providing America with protection against the radical aspects of his agenda. Biden promises to heal America, but hard to imagine Americans coming together after the treatment by Biden and his party. Some of the actions committed, not only during the campaign, but the past 4 to 12 years, are not able to taken back or condoned. The political actions used to gain power cannot be ignored simply due to a shift in power.
For more takeaways from the election, please click on the above to experience The Election 2020 podcast.
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